Donate to the film
The #VEGASSTRONG documentary is almost finished! When we started this project, we never imagined it would grow into a feature film. We have self-funded the project so far, but as we come to the last stages of post-production, we are in need of financial assistance to ensure this film is completed and released.
The financial assistance is needed for insurance, licensing other videos/photos from news agencies, copyright costs, and funding the last post production efforts to produce a final cut of the film. Our goal is for the film to be bought and distributed to the widest possible audience either through direct purchase or through exposure in film festivals.
We are looking to raise $7,000 to cover these costs and we would be grateful if you would consider donating to help finish this film. You can donate using the secure application below. All donors will be named in the credits of the film.
And if you are not able to assist financially at this time, please help spread the word on social media!
Thank you for supporting the #VEGASSTRONG documentary!
The film is being made under our company, New Heart Films LLC, which is a for-profit company, so any donations will NOT be a tax deductible. All funds that are donated are done so without the promise of any future return of funds or other benefits. We are committed to giving back, though, and any profit from the sale and/or distribution of the film will be donated to local charities to benefit first responders and survivors of the October 1st event.